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Hangeul (한글), Korean characters

Hangeul is a Korean character system used to represent Korean.
Hangeul is the only character known for who made it, when, why and how.
Hangeul was made in 1446 by King Sejong the Great, King of Korea, to make it easier for people to read and write.
If you learn Hangeul for only one day, you will be able to read and write. It's so easy to learn that you'll be surprised.

Composition of Hangeul (한글)

Hangeul is composed of 14 basic consonants and 10 basic vowels.

- 14 basic consonants:
 ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ
- 10 basic vowels:
 ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ, ㅣ

Use consonants and vowels to create complex consonants and complex vowels, and create the first, middle, and final sounds.

Theoretically, 11,172 letters can be made using Hangeul.

Hangeul (한글)'s Creation Principle

Hangeul consonants are modeled after the shape of the pronunciation organ of human.
'ㄱ' and 'ㄴ' mimic the shape of the tongue when pronounced.

'ㅁ' is modeled after the mouth, 'ㅅ' is modeled after the tooth, and 'ㅇ' is modeled after the throat.

A new character has been added by adding a stroke to this basic shape.

     ㄱ  ⇨   ㅋ

     ㄴ  ⇨   ㄷ  ⇨  ㅌ

     ㅁ  ⇨   ㅂ  ⇨  ㅍ

     ㅅ  ⇨   ㅈ  ⇨  ㅊ

     ㅇ  ⇨   ㅎ

Hangeul vowels are composed of sky ( • ), land (ㅡ) and human ( l ).

     •   +  ㅡ  ⇨   ㅗ

     ㅡ  +  •   ⇨   ㅜ

     •   +  ㅣ  ⇨   ㅓ

     l   +  •   ⇨   ㅏ


To become a teacher

세계 곳곳에 한국어에 관심있는 학습자를 돕고 수익도 얻는 한국어의 선구자가 되실 선생님을 기다리고 있습니다.
[접수 이메일]

[이메일 형식]
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