기억력 게임으로 새로운 어휘 배워보세요! (Let’s Memorize New Words By Playing a Memory G…
It would be better if more than three players can participate in this memory game. The first player begins by saying, “When you go to a market, there is a ________.” The next player must add an item of their own, while also recalling the previous items said, in the same order. Continue adding and recalling the items until someone makes a mistake.
New Words:
우유(Milk), 사과(Apple), 바나나(Banana), 딸기(Strawberry), 오이(Cucumber), 당근(Carrot), 빵(Bread), 계란(Egg), 소고기(Beef), 돼지고기(Pork), 닭고기(Chicken), 두부(Tofu), 새우(Shrimp), 소세지(Sausage), 치즈(Cheese)
This game goes like this:
사람 1: 시장에 가면 (If you go to a market), 사과도 있고(there is an apple),
사람 2: 시장에 가면, 사과도 있고, 우유도 있고,
사람 3: 시장에 가면, 사과도 있고, 우유도 있고, 계란도 있고,
사람 4: 시장에 가면, 사과도 있고, 우유도 있고, 계란도 있고, 소고기도 있고,
*You can go anywhere such as a Zoo, School, and Party to learn and memorize new words. In this video clip, BTS are playing this game by using, “If you go to a fan meeting, there is a ________."
You would be able to hear some of the new words such as:
팬 사인회(Fan signing event), 아미 (BTS fan club), 푸마 (Puma), 조명 (Lighting), 카메라 (Camera)