한국의 위인 (The great names in Korean history) - 이순신 장군
이순신 장군
General Yi Sun-sin
임진왜란 당시 조선의 해군 총사령관입니다.
부하들을 통솔하는 지도력, 뛰어난 지략, 그리고 탁월한 전략과 능수능란한 전술로 일본 해군과의 해전에서 연전연승하여 나라를 구한 영웅입니다.
He was the commander-in-chief of the Joseon Navy during the Imjin War.
He is a hero who saved the country by winning a row in a naval battle against the Japanese Navy with his leadership in commanding his subordinates, his excellent resource, and his excellent strategy and skillful tactics.
✅ Learn Korean words -
► 장군 (janggun) General
► 임진왜란 (imjin-waelan) A war that occurred when Japan invaded Joseon for 7 years in 1592
► 해군 (haegun) Navy
► 총사령관 (chongsalyeong-gwan) Commander in chief
► 지도력 (jidolyeog) leadership
► 나라 (nala) country
► 영웅 (yeong-ung) hero
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As far as I know, he is one of the heroes that Koreans respect most.