즐거운 한국어 (fun Korean) - 초등학생이 쓴 장애인의 날 5행시
초등학생이 쓴 장애인의 날 5행시
Acrostic poem for Disabled People's Day written by elementary school students
[장]차 나비가 될
[인]간들이 무관심한 사이에도
[의]지를 가지고
[날]아가는 꿈을 꾼다.
[장] to become a butterfly in the future
[애] caterpillar
[인] even though humans are indifferent
[의] with a will
[날] has a dream of flying.
● Enjoy Korean words
초등학교 (elementary school)
학생 (student)
장애인 (a disabled person)
시 (poem, poetry)
나비 (butterfly)
애벌레 (caterpillars)
의지 (willingness)
꿈 (dream)
한국어 선생님과 더욱 즐겁게 한국어 공부하세요.
Study Korean more pleasantly with your Korean teacher.
오늘도 행복하세요.
Don't worry, be happy.
Acrostic poem for Disabled People's Day written by elementary school students
[장]차 나비가 될
[인]간들이 무관심한 사이에도
[의]지를 가지고
[날]아가는 꿈을 꾼다.
[장] to become a butterfly in the future
[애] caterpillar
[인] even though humans are indifferent
[의] with a will
[날] has a dream of flying.
● Enjoy Korean words
초등학교 (elementary school)
학생 (student)
장애인 (a disabled person)
시 (poem, poetry)
나비 (butterfly)
애벌레 (caterpillars)
의지 (willingness)
꿈 (dream)
한국어 선생님과 더욱 즐겁게 한국어 공부하세요.
Study Korean more pleasantly with your Korean teacher.
오늘도 행복하세요.
Don't worry, be happy.
It's a wonderful poem.
Lily Stevens
Good. So lovely.
So beautiful poem,
Bill Jason
Right. I agree.