You will face lots of situations that you have to say sorry when you are talking to koreans.
There are two expressions that are used widely. The first one is '미안해'
'미안해' is used between friends or someone who is younger than you. There are of course, an exception. Like when you are really close with someone who is older than you.
Second one is '죄송합니다'
'죄송합니다' is used when you are talking to the elders. Even if you're are comfortable and friendly with your teachers, professors, relatives, this expression should be used only! Because it expresses politeness.
Korean is hard in many ways, and this is one of the things that make it hard. Manners are really important in Korea so that's why there are many expressions that are reflecting this idea.
I hope these two expressions can help you all communicating with koreans. Thank you :)
Good information. It is right that Korean use another expression depending on the other sides like junior or senior.
Thanks for sharing, 선생님. :)