How to tell body parts in Korean? (Part 2) + Basic sentence to describ…
From part 1~2, you'll learn basic words which describe body parts in Korean ★
English |
Korean |
Toe |
발가락 |
Toenail |
발톱 |
Arm |
팔 |
Leg |
다리 |
Thigh |
허벅지 |
Calf |
종아리 |
Knee |
무릎 |
Ankle |
발목 |
Forehead |
이마 |
Cheek |
볼 |
Stomach | 배 |
▶ We've learned 25 words so far. Now, we can use these words to express where does it hurt.
In order to express pain, we should know the verb '아프다'. It means 'painful, sore, hurt, sick'. (Of couse, there are may korean verbs that describe the pain. but this is the basic one.)
-----(이/가) 아프다.
This is the most basic expression to let someone knew that you are in pain.
For example, if you are stomach is hurting, then you can write like '배가 아프다'. So this is how it goes.
ex) 발가락이 아프다.
다리가 아프다.
발목이 아프다.
이마가 아프다.
볼이 아프다.
If you all have any questions about this post, write a comment down below right away :) Thank you.
Good to remember. 다리가 아프다 :)
Thanks for teaching.