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EL KOREAN website

EL Korean
Date20-03-11 15:42 View13,512. Comments14.


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엘코리안 웹 사이트에서는 보다 많은 정보를 볼 수 있어요.

즐겁게 한국어를 배우세요.

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If you are looking here on your phone or tablet now, please visit EL KOREAN's homepage on your laptop or desktop.

You can find more information on the EL KOREAN website.

Enjoy and learn Korean.

○ Visit the website from your laptop or tesktop. ⇨ 

如果您现在在手机或平板电脑上浏览此信息,请在笔记本电脑或台式机上访问EL KOREAN的主页。

您可以在EL KOREAN网站上找到更多信息。


○ 请从笔记本电脑或台式机访问主页。⇨ 

Si está buscando aquí en su teléfono o tableta ahora, visite la página de inicio de EL KOREAN en su computadora portátil o de escritorio.

Puede encontrar más información en el sitio web de EL KOREAN.

Disfruta y aprende coreano.

○ Visite el sitio web desde su computadora portátil o de escritorio.⇨ 

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○ ラップトップまたはデスクトップからホームページにアクセスしてください。⇨ 

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프로필 사진

Yes, there is wonderful information about learning Korean at the website on PC.

프로필 사진

The website you see on your PC is very helpful in studying Korean. I got some good information about Hangeul, the Korean text. This is a great website. Thank you.

프로필 사진
Pagies Tonas

There is good information learning Korean. Thanks el korean.

프로필 사진

It's a really good site to visit from my PC, not mobile device. Good.

프로필 사진
Daniel Tui

Right. I found that it's good to login from my laptop to see more information.

프로필 사진

Good tips to learn Korean at this site. Thanks.

프로필 사진

It's good to find more information for learning Korean. Thanks.

프로필 사진

It is good to learn the background of Korean learning.
I prefer to visit this site on my laptop.

프로필 사진
Elin Micas

Right. I could find very good information for Korean learning on my desktop. Thanks a lot for offering this.

프로필 사진

It's good to use my laptop to see more about Korean language and culture.

프로필 사진
Charles Joestine

Right. I am using my laptop to see more information from the site.

프로필 사진
Scarlett Jansky

Good to get the information for learning Korean.

프로필 사진
Jack Doejokin

It's so useful to get the information to learn Korean and find my best Korean teachers.

프로필 사진

It's good to visit the website to get more information to learn Korean.


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