BTS - Run
N+인, 인 means 'is'. 인 in is not a verb, but functions as a modifier
선생님인 여자.
A woman who is a teacher.
삶은 그렇게 깊은 의미인 것이다.
Thus, life is something with a profound meaning.
학생인 남자
A boy who is a student.
넌 내 하나뿐'인' 태양, 세상에 딱 하나
You are my only sun, one and only in the world
선생님인 여자.
A woman who is a teacher.
삶은 그렇게 깊은 의미인 것이다.
Thus, life is something with a profound meaning.
학생인 남자
A boy who is a student.
넌 내 하나뿐'인' 태양, 세상에 딱 하나
You are my only sun, one and only in the world
I wish i would go to korea to see my BTS. I h e to learn korean for this happy plan.