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Korean class reviews List

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수업후기 List
Number Title Writer Date View
23 I have plans to travel to Korea next year. Comments1. 인기글 Riley 11-20 9333
22 Great luck Comments1. 인기글 Jayden 11-02 9347
21 Learning Korean with teachers Comments2. 인기글 Elin Micas 03-05 9433
20 University in Korea Comments3. 인기글 Pagies Tonas 08-07 9582
19 Enjoy Korean class Comments3. 인기글 Grace 03-29 9612
18 Good classes Comments3. 인기글 Medison 04-16 9788
17 Kind teachers Comments1. 인기글 June Sud 04-09 9979
16 Look great Comments1. 인기글 Joe Peton 03-31 10743
15 Thanks Comments1. 인기글 Sophia 04-14 10840
14 Good class Comments4. 인기글 Sophia 03-22 11545
13 Good Korean class Comments3. 인기글 Mary 03-12 11876
12 Thanks for good classes Comments2. 인기글 Levi 03-16 11984
11 Thanks. Comments4. 인기글 James Taiho 03-23 12283
10 It is a great luck for me Comments4. 인기글 Luke 02-03 12373
9 Thanks, teachers. Comments2. 인기글 Lyala 01-17 12694
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