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Learn anything about Korean language and culture.Please log in to post your opinion.
Learning Korean from Korean teacher is fun just thinking about it. Especially, in EL Korean, you can find your best teacher you want and learn the Korean language from the teacher so you can learn Korean more happily. Furthermore it would be much more enjoyable if you learn Korean with your friends. In EL Korean, you and your friends can learn Korean together from Korean teacher at the same cla…
Dowoomi | 12-18 | 19437
edegreen | 12-17 | 19831
In Korea, if you go into the store for shopping, you may find one of the staff approches to you and asks "찾으시는 것 있으세요?" which means "Is there anything you are looking for?"But, if you don't have anything in mind but just want to look by yourself, then how do you say "I'll just look around" or "I'm just browsing" in Korean?You can say "그냥 둘러볼게요"Then, most of the time, the staff will let you br…
유진 | 12-17 | 20181
It's a pleasure to be a friend with Korean teachers at EL Korean. Above all, you can get help whenever you have questions about Korean. Basically, you learn Korean through video online classes with your Korean teachers. You can also ask questions and get answers at any time using the question features provided by EL Korean apps. It is also a good idea to use the community on the app. The communit…
Dowoomi | 12-15 | 20517
한국 2 0 1 8년 유행어 1위 ‘소확행’ 소확행 (소소하지만 확실한 행복) 小确幸 (琐碎但可以肯定的幸福) 소소하다 = 小小 확실하다 = 准确 행복 = 幸福
Dowoomi | 12-14 | 19859
今天韩国也下雪了. 这天气还要上课.
사아기 | 12-13 | 20256
If you come to Seoul, visiting the Hangeul Museum is one of the ways to enjoy Seoul. This museum is located in Yongsan, the center of Seoul. The National Hangeul Museum exhibits the past history of 'Hangeul' based on actual materials. You can also enjoy a wide range of Korean and Korean language history, materials on character history, and cultural and artistic materials. In addition, there are…
Dowoomi | 12-07 | 21088
지름신 消费欲望之神 지르다(买下来)和신(神)的合成词。 韩国人常常把冲动消费归结于消费欲望之神的降临 《例句》 A:이 가방 정말 예쁘지? A:这个包很漂亮吧? B:응, 근데 150만 원이야. B:嗯,可是要150万韩元呢。 A:아, 나 몰라. A:哎呀我不管了。 B:또 지름신이 강림하셨구나. B:看来欲望之神又降临了 。
Dowoomi | 12-07 | 20244
i like to watch bts's video on youtube.It has english subtitles, maybe some people already watched it.please enjoy it!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuYlyKQey-g&t=298s
edegreen | 12-03 | 19718
Do you like to cook?I like to eat many dishes~ hahaSo, today i will check the loanword in cuisine!! right now:)레시피 recipeex) 이 요리 레시피가 뭐야?토마토 tomatoex) 토마토는 암 환자에게 좋아요.스파게티 steakex) 토마토 스파게티 하나 주세요.피자 pizzaex) 피자 한판 시키자.리조또 risottoex) 리조또가 너무 느끼해요.스테이크 steakex) 여기 스테이크가 매우 부드러워요.바베큐 barbecueex) 정원에서 바베큐 파티를 할 거에요.스시 sushiex) 저는 스시를 매우 좋아해요.샐러드 saladex) 샐러드만 먹었더니 배가 안 불러요.드레싱 dressingex) 샐러드에…
edegreen | 12-03 | 19433
낫 놓고 기역자도 모른다. He (She) does not know A from B. He (She) does not know the 'Giyeokja' even in the presence of a sickle. This means that it is ignorant enough to not know the 'Giyeokja' even before the sickle that looks like a 'Giyeokja.' 'Giyeokja' is the first letter of the Hangeul alphabet consonant. The look of the 'Gijeokja' is similar to the Korean sickle. It is saying that he (she) is s…
Dowoomi | 11-30 | 27163
South-North soldiers greeting South Korea and North Korea are working together to remove landmines for the joint exploration of the remains on Monday. The Ministry of National Defense said it would link tactical roads with arrowheads in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) of Gangwon Province in progress. The photo shows South Korean and North Korean soldiers who recently participated in the road conne…
Dowoomi | 11-29 | 20958
Making Gimchi (Gimjang) 김치 만들기 (김장) The food that Koreans love most is Gimchi. Gimchi is made in many households before winter starts. Making Gimchi is called 'Gimjang'. Nowadays, greeting between Koreans is "Did you do Gimjang? (gimjang haesseoyo?)". People make Gimchi with cabbage and Kaktugi, Dongchimi with radish to eat during the winter. All these foods are healthy fermented foods. Di…
Dowoomi | 11-28 | 20733
Let's see loanword in korea!택시 taxi호텔 hotel아파트 apartment카메라 camera컴퓨터 computer커피 coffee컵 cup선글라스 sunglasses핸드백 handbag핸드폰 mobile phone코트 coat스타킹 stocking파우치 pouch메이크업 make-up헤어스타일 hairstyle
edegreen | 11-27 | 17548
因为韩国和中国的历史关系,韩语中有很多汉字词,而这汉字词对应汉字。列举如下。手工 수공用手来做的简单工艺손으로 하는 간단한 공예人工 인공认为做사람이 하는 일人口 인구居住在一定地区内的人数。일정한 지역에 사는 사람의 수父兄 부형指父亲和哥哥아버지와 형을 아울러 이르는 말日出 일출太阳升起해가 뜸江山 강산意味着江和山,称为自然的景色강과 산이라는 뜻으로, 자연의 경치를 이르는 말天上 천상天上。。。하늘 위入水 입수入水。。。물에 들어감中心 중심物体的正中间사물의 한 가운데 参考物件한자교육진흥회네이버 국어사전바이두 사전
edegreen | 11-27 | 18167
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Each course has 1-session (trial class), 3-session, 5-session, 10-session, 20-session and 30-session.One class session is 20 minutes.
The range of tuition was determined by each teacher.